About Spock and Christine

Yes, we are a bunch of hoots who love star trek. This blog was first started to target the fan group of Star Trek. But as time progressed, we realised that there is a limitation to this blog.

So, we are running this blog as an entertainment blog where we will cover everything, from biographies to quick run-down of facts as well..

So why Spock and Christine, instead of anything like daily entertainment? Because we couldn’t let the name slip by as our love for Spock and Christine is too high! And we would love to have the name that made our childhood amazing!

A tribute may be? You betchya!

So what are we offering?

As movie geeks, we are also looking to hire a panellist of movie critics who could give help you decide the “must-go” and “lets-not-go.”

This blog will also cover net worths of your favourite celebrities.

Our future content plan is to start a quiz on Star Trek and other crazy stuff.

Tune into Spock and Christine for brute fresh content.

If you have any problems or questions regarding us, contact us directly from here.