Elizabeth Ann Weber: Facts About The Infamous First Wife of Music Legend Billy Joel

Billy Joel's ex wife elizabeth ann weber story

Six times Grammy winner Billy Joel has had one of the most successful and long-running music careers in the industry with songs that have remained timeless classics. While he has accumulated enormous wealth throughout his music career, he has failed to gain what he valued most in life; True Love. Time and Again, he fell in love in hopes of finding someone who would accept him for who he is rather than what he has.

So before he was hopelessly in love with Alexis Roderick, one of the first women who became his salvation in his 20s and ended up leaving a deep scar in his heart is his first wife Elizabeth Weber. Here are five facts you should know about Billy Joel’s infamous ex-wife Elizabeth Ann Weber.


Their Relationship Started With A Scandal

In 1967, Billy Joel joined the rock group ‘The Hassles’ where he met drummer Jon Small. The duo would later leave The Hassles to start their own band ‘Attila’. During this time, Elizabeth Weber was married to Jon Small and even had a son named Sean. Despite this, Billy Joel started having an affair with Weber after being infatuated with her since their very first meeting. 

Billy Joel with his first wife Elizabeth Ann Weber

Recounting his first impression of Elizabeth, Joel said to Fred Schruers :

“She wasn’t like a lot of the other girls I knew at that time who had taken home ec and cooking classes,”. “She was . . . intelligent and not afraid to speak her mind, but could also be seductive. Almost like a European-type — not a typical American girl.”

When their affair was found out, the musical partnership between Small and Joel ended. Following this incident, Weber decided to not stay with any of the two men involved in her life and disappeared for weeks. With the failure of both his album and relationship with Weber, Joel reportedly became suicidal. Eventually, the couple got back together and finally got married in September 1973.

Weber Was Inspiration for Many of Billy Joel’s songs

Musicians often tend to draw inspiration from real life to write their music. Some of the greatest hits of Billy Joel were also inspired by the women in his life. His first wife Elizabeth became his muse who inspired him to pen down hits like ‘Just The Way You Are’, ‘She’s Got a Way’ and ‘She’s Always a Woman’. Apart from this, she was also the inspiration for the ‘Waitress practicing politics’ character on Billy Joel’s 1973 single ‘Piano Man’.

She Was A Tough Woman Tagged as ‘Unfeminine’

billy joel in his early days with ex-wife elizabeht ann weber

“She can kill with a smile; She can wound with her eyes; She can ruin your faith with her casual lies”. The lyrics of Billy Joel’s song ‘She’s Always a Woman’ somewhat perfectly defines how Elizabeth was viewed as a person. After marrying Billy Joel, Elizabeth Weber convinced him to take over the duties of his manager and oversaw his financial affairs. She was said to be a tough negotiator and took responsibility for most of her husband’s business deals and contracts.

Because of her undeniably better way of doing business, she was often viewed by others as ‘Unfeminine’. Talking about her image in the song, Joel said,:

“My take was ‘She can ruin your faith with her casual lies/she only reveals what she wants you to see’- all second person – but then it comes back to me ‘She’s always a woman to me’”.

He added:

“Yes, she can be difficult, she can be confounding, she can be impossible but she’s obviously a better businessperson than you are”. 

While Joel was completely smitten with her, people around him were quite worried about her. Many found Weber to be controlling, manipulative, rude and captivated by the rock and roll life than her husband.

Elizabeth’s Love For Money Was Greater Than Her Love For Joel

It was never a secret that Elizabeth Weber had a great affinity for money. Billy Joel was madly in love with Weber and drawing inspiration from her for his music. However, Weber was never shy about asking for her own financial gain from the songs he would pen down for her.

There is one particular incident that showed how much she wanted to benefit from her husband’s career. On one of her birthdays, he played her his new song ‘Just the way you are’. To the new song she replied “Do I get the publishing, too?” and she was serious about it. She was already entitled to half of his wealth and was also taking her earning cuts for working as his manager.

Elizabeth Ann Weber and Billy Joel had a messy divorce

When the divorce was filed in 1982, Joel was hopeful of reconciliation and went to buy her everything she wanted. This included a $4 million townhouse on the Upper East Side. She continued to reside in the townhouse with her son after the divorce until 1997. But his plans for a reunion was thwarted after Joel got involved in a motorcycle accident injuring both hands.

With his music career in jeopardy, he thought that his wife would be his support system. But alas that was shattered when she visited him in the hospital with a contract in her hand. Weber allegedly asked him to sign everything he had over to her. Remembering the incident, he said:

“I may have acted like an idiot a time or two, but I’m not a complete idiot.”. He then added, “That really killed it right there and there”.

Elizabeth’s Brother Swindled Billy Joel

When Elizabeth was still with Joel managing him and his finances, she also brought her brother Frank into their establishment which Joel believed to be one of his greatest mistakes. Frank worked as Joel’s manager and would oversee his finances. At the time of their divorce, Frank actually sided with Joel instead of his sister. He remained by his side and even continued to work with him after the divorce settlements.

elizabeth ann weber with billy joel

But a few years later, Joel found out that Frank was secretly stealing tens of millions from him. In 1989, Joel sued Frank Weber for $30 million in contemporary damages and $60 million in punitive damages. Unfortunately, Joel had to settle out of court for about $3 million dollars after Weber filed for bankruptcy. In his official biography, he said, “I hooked up with Borgias. What a family to pick.”

What is Weber doing Today?

Today, most people associate Elizabeth Ann Weber as one of the women who became the inspiration for Joel’s songs. After her separation from ex-husband Billy Joel, Elizabeth has managed to stay away from the limelight all together.

Since it has been more than 4 decades after their separation, she probably has settled down with someone else too. On the other hand, Elizabeth’s ex-husband Billy Joel has been married three times after separating from her. While Joel struggled to find true love for a long time, perhaps Elizabeth was lucky enough to find another chance. 

7 thoughts on “Elizabeth Ann Weber: Facts About The Infamous First Wife of Music Legend Billy Joel

  1. Poor old Billy! That low self esteem of his and all the coke he snorted up in the 70’s-80’s really clouded his mind and judgement and manhood! Weber was such an ugly greedy gold digging jew cunt and walked all over his ass!
    If he wasn’t so blinded by pussy and her bullshit, he would have seen she and her brother were both no good!
    Also why you should ALWAYS be in charge of your OWN finances! NEVER trust ANY jew lawyer/agent/”manager”, they ARE all greedy thieves who mooch off the hard work of those who actually HAVE the talent.
    I’m not much of a fan of Billy’s tired old songs, I’ve never been into ANY weak pop music and cant stomach ballads, but at one time he excelled at doing both and was on top of the charts by doing both weak pop and ballads.

  2. I can appreciate your disdain for Elizabeth Weber, but your blatant antisemitism is only calling out your own fear and ignorance. Fear of women, fear of finances, and ignorance not only of Jews, but of every person of any faith. Greed and thievery exist everywhere at every level of society. It’s not you that is shining a light upon it, but rather, you’re shining a light upon yourself.

  3. You must be a very sad and lonely person at this point in your life to muster such criticism and pessimism. It’s good to be aware but the 70’s and 80’s were also a different time – I know firsthand.

  4. Joel was/is ons of the most popular and talented musicians of the last 50 years.

    I took the Piano Man album to a party in the early 70s and afyer its first play
    it stayed on repeat on the record player all night to the exclusion of everything else.

  5. Billy is a GOAT yes Elizabeth raked him over the coals but the experience shaped his music to this day. He’s always been kind to his exes hopefully with two young daughters & a lovely wife he has finally found contentment at 74!

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