Hollywood Legend Clint Eastwood’s infamous infidelity and the birth of the Love Child: Kimber Lynn Eastwood

Kimber Lynn Eastwood

The man with few words, Clint Eastwood sure made a lot of noise in Hollywood with the story of his years-long unfaithfulness to his first wife Maggie Johnson. The Hollywood icon has had a long history of womanizing and many times even overlapping his relationships with women. His ways of handling relationships with women have certainly been making headlines since his rise to stardom. One of the most shocking news about adultery came when it was reported that not only was Clint involved with multiple women during the course of his first marriage, he even managed to get some of them pregnant. Thus came out the story of a 14 year-long affair of Clint Eastwood and Roxanne Tunis that resulted in a baby, Kimber. So, what do we know about Kimber Lynn Eastwood?


The Story behind Kimber’s birth

Clint Eastwood was married to Margaret Johnson since December 1953. By the time, the two of them were dating, Clint also had a relationship with a woman from Seattle who gave birth to his first child. The news regarding this came much later in his life. The marriage between Clint and Maggie had problems since the very start. Clint had just started his career and both of them were very young to take on a serious relationship. 

Clint Eastwood first started getting recognition for his role in the CBS series ‘Rawhide’ in 1958. This is the set where he first met Kimber’s mother Roxanne Tunis who was a dancer and a stuntwoman for the second season of Rawhide. Both of them married separate people; although Roxanne was separated from her husband at that time. Thus started a Hollywood affair that reportedly lasted for 14 years and even resulted in the birth of Kimber Lynn Eastwood.

Her Birth and Early Life

Kimber Lynn Eastwood was born on June 17, 1964, in Los Angeles, California, USA. Her existence was kept secret from the public for a very long time and her identity was only reported in 1989 by the National Enquirer. Her birth certificate does include Roxanne and Clint as her parents. At the early stages of her life, Clint’s wife might not have known about the birth of her husband’s love child but it is heavily implied that as time went by she knew about the affair happening on the set.

Staying away from the public scrutiny, Kimber’s life was able to live in a normal environment where she was able to get love from both of her parents. Since all of her early life was kept under wraps, there is very little information regarding her childhood or academic qualifications.

Career Highlights

Being the part of the Eastwood family does come with its own perks. Kimber too found herself surrounded by different career opportunities. She started her career working as a make-up artist in the 2004 short film Dawn of the Friend. After that, she found herself getting more success in the make-up department. She worked as a make-up artist on numerous projects like ‘Caffeine’, ‘Revamped’, ‘Roadside Assistance’, and others. Lynn was also part of the make-up department of multiple TV series like ‘The Middleman’, ‘Dog The Bounty Hunter’, ‘Wheel of Fortune’ and others. She also took part in her father’s latest movie ‘The Mule’ as a make-up artist.  

Besides working as a make-up artist, Kimber also has some acting and producing credits to herself. She has appeared in several movies including ‘The Freeway Maniac’, ‘Passion Crimes’, ‘The Theory of Everything’ and ‘The Vanishing Hitchhiker’. Some of her works that she produced are ‘Rapture’, ‘Dominion’ and ‘Diary of a Lunatic’. 

Personal Life

Kimber Lynn Eastwood has been married thrice and gotten a divorce twice. On November 7, 1983, she married her long-term boyfriend Anthony Gaddie who was a gardener by profession. The couple held a very casual and close-knit wedding ceremony where their guests mainly included their family and close friends. It was reported that Kimber and Anthony met at a set of TV series and soon started to hit off. On February 24, 1984, the couple was blessed with a beautiful baby boy Clinton Eastwood Gaddie. The couple seemed very happy but problems started arising in their relationship and in 1990, after 7 years of marriage the couple got divorced. 

In 2001, Kimberly’s son Clinton legally changed his last name to McCartney which was probably decided when Kimberly’s second husband Douglas McCartney became his step father. As of now, Clinton is living a life away from the limelight and is said to be father of two children; son Clinton McCartney Jr. and daughter Penelope McCartney. We are sure Kimberly is showering all her love towards her grandchildren and enjoying every moment with her family.

After her failed first marriage, she got married again in 1990 with Douglas McCarthy but soon the relationship also ended up in divorce. 

Kimber Lynn Eastwood found her happiness again with producer and actor Shawn Midkiff. The couple got married on October 18, 2014. She seems to be living a very happy life with her current husband.

Her official net worth has not been revealed yet. Many sites say that her net worth is 225 million US dollars which seems a little out of space. But her father’s net worth is estimated to be 32

Short Brief About Kimber’s Siblings

Kimber’s father Clint Eastwood has been linked with numerous women with whom he had altogether 8 children. The children although being half-siblings seem to have a very warm bond within each other and always seem to support one another. Let us learn a little about all of the 7 older half-siblings of Kimber Lynn Eastwood.

Laurie Murray

The world was shaken after fans found out about the love child of Clint with a woman in Seattle. Laurie was put up for adoption shortly after her birth. After growing up, she decided to find out about her roots and discovered the fact that Clint was her father. After this, they have maintained a very close relationship not just within themselves but with the whole family. 

Kyle Eastwood

Kyle is the first child of Clint with Margaret Johnson born in 1968. He has inherited his father’s well-known love for jazz music and has established him as a jazz bass musician. He has composed music for several movies like ‘Million Dollar Baby’, ‘Changeling’, ‘Gran Torino’ and many more.

Alison Eastwood

Alison is the second child of Clint and his first wife Maggie born in 1972. Like her famous dad, she is an actor and a director. She had co-starred in the 2018 movie ‘The Mule’. Besides acting, she also works for animal welfare. In 2012, she founded a pet rescue foundation called the Eastwood Ranch Foundation.

Scott Eastwood

The most famous member of the Eastwood clan apart from Clint is arguably his son Scott Eastwood. Scott was born from the relationship between Clint and flight attendant Jacelyn Reeves. He is also an actor known for movies like Suicide Squad, Pacific Rim: Uprising and The Longest Ride.

Kathryn Eastwood

Kathryn is Clint’s second child from his relationship with Jacelyn. She is the biological sister of Scott born in 1988. Kathryn has tried her hands in acting and has appeared in movies like Virus of the Dead and Jersey Boys.

Francesca Eastwood

Just like Clint, Francesca has been earning her name through various acting jobs. Her portfolio includes movies like Jersey Boys, Twin Peaks, Fargo, and many more on the list. Likewise, Francesca appeared on the reality TV show ‘Mrs. Eastwood & Company’ in 2012 alongside Clint’s then-wife Dina Ruiz and their child Morgan.

Morgan Eastwood

The youngest of the bunch Morgan Eastwood was born on December 2, 1996. She is the daughter of Clint from his marriage with Dina Ruiz. Though she was born to a star dad, she grew up having a normal childhood. Just like her father and siblings, she has appeared in few movies portraying small roles like in Changeling. She is very active in social media and regularly posts pictures of her life.

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